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How to Find a Job that Pays Better

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According to recent research from Microsoft and LinkedIn, almost half of the U.S. professional workforce is considering quitting their jobs in the near future. Many employees seek higher salaries, better perks, or a more positive company culture.

Today’s job seekers are wanting more. They want better pay and more meaningful work. Companies are competing for top talent and taking note of what today’s job seekers are looking for.

If you want a better job or tips to boost your income with IncomeFindr, we can help!

Here’s how to find a job that pays more.

When Should I Look for a Higher Paying Job?

Although money may not be the most important part of life, it certainly makes life easier. It’s a top reason people look for a better job and look for ways to boost their current income.

If you’re in a job that you enjoy, but the compensation isn’t adequate for your needs, you may be ready to look for other options. This may include beginning the search for a new job or looking for better opportunities with your current company.

Some key reasons people seek better jobs include:

You Haven’t Been Given a Raise

If you’ve worked with a company for a long time, it’s normal to receive regular raises. When this doesn’t happen, you may feel unappreciated and begin thinking about better opportunities for you and your family.

Common pay increases employees receive include performance raises due to job achievements and cost of living raises to match the rate of inflation. If you’ve been with a company for a year or more without a raise, it’s time to talk to your boss or seek out a new job opportunity that offers more promising compensation.

Your Job Performance Is Stellar

As you work for a company and get more experience, it’s only natural for your job skills to advance. This leads to better job performance for you and better efficiency and productivity for the company. 

It’s only reasonable to expect your pay and benefits to increase as your value to the company increases. Unfortunately, too many talented employees are taken for granted and not rewarded for their exceptional job skills.

When this happens, it’s discouraging to employees and leads them to find income that aligns with their skills.

Your Job Responsibilities Are Increasing

If you work for a company long enough, you learn the ins and outs of how the company operates. You may take on new roles, more work, or greater responsibility within the company.

This should come with a pay increase or promotion. An employee who understands a company’s business model and can take on many roles is a valuable asset.

If you find yourself working harder, or working longer hours without a pay increase, recognition, or a promotion, it’s time to look for other options.

Don’t hesitate to seek better opportunities to find a job that pays you what you deserve. As you search for a new job, there are other ways to generate extra income as well.

Take a moment to investigate Income Finder as a possible income-boosting tool.

Your Skills Aren’t Being Utilized 

In many cases, employees outgrow their positions or their skills advance without any additional pay or recognition for their accomplishments. If you are doing less than you’re capable of or feeling unfulfilled with your job, it may be the perfect time to find a better-paying position. 

This can help enhance the quality of your life and find more professional fulfillment in what you do.

Better-Paying Job Tips

There are a variety of ways to increase your pay or find a better job for the future. Take a look at some of our top career advancement tips.

Excel in the Position You Currently Have

Don’t let your lack of job satisfaction affect your work performance. A solid track record at your current job can set you up for future opportunities for a better position or career change.

Doing your job well shows you are a valuable and talented employee. This is an excellent way to prepare to ask for a raise at your current job or boost your chances of finding a better-paying job in the future.

Make Professional Connections

If you’re looking for a better-paying job, consider whether you’ve established any professional connections who could help. Networking and reaching out to past contacts is a great way to get your foot in the door at a new company or get professional career advancement tips.

This can increase your chances of getting a job with better pay, benefits, and other attractive perks.

Increase Your Skills

Typically, a better-paying job at another company will require a new role, skills, and responsibilities. You may not be able to perform the skills or duties the job you want requires.

While you’re working at your current job, make improving your skills and polishing up your resume a priority. Adding additional skills to your repertoire is always a plus for anyone hoping to leave their current job and get a better one.

If you’re interested in a specific field, consider the position you would apply for and the skills you need for the job. If possible, take a class or get some training that could polish your skills and make you a suitable candidate for the job you want.

Take on Additional Responsibilities

It may sound crazy to take on more responsibility at your current job if you’re hoping to get another one, but it’s actually a good idea. When you interview for a job, it’s helpful to point out all the responsibilities you had at your previous place of employment.

A wide skillset can make you more marketable. If you are carrying more weight at work than you have in the past, take the opportunity to point this out to your boss and request a raise. If they refuse, consider their negative response as evidence that it’s time to look elsewhere for a better job.

Research Your Current Salary

Consider the current salary you make. Do some research to see what others make in comparable roles in other companies. This can help you determine if you’re being fairly compensated for the work you do.

Talk to people you work with who have the same position as you. Find out how long they’ve been with the company and how your salaries compare. If you learn you’re being underpaid, speak up. 

The more you know about typical compensation and benefits packages for your role, the better equipped you will be to find a job that values what you do and pays you well for your level of expertise.

Try IncomeFindr While You Search for a Job

If you’re interested in making some money on the side while you work or search for a new job, Income Finder is a good option. They can help you start earning extra money quickly.

They will match you with the highest-paying online surveys you can fill out in your spare time while you work, attend school, or get job training. It’s an easy and low-stress method for making extra cash in a hurry.

Be Careful With Your Social Media

Your online persona may play a role in whether you get your next job. It’s worth your time to go through your various social media accounts and delete any posts that could present you in a bad light.

More and more, employers are turning to social media to research job candidates. Many candidates are eliminated due to questionable posts. Look at your social media as if you’re the boss.

Would you be impressed by what you see? If not, clean it up or delete it completely. You don’t want to leave any embarrassing posts, pictures, or videos for a prospective employer to see.

Your social media accounts may be the first impression an employer gets of you. Don’t lose the job before you get the chance to interview.

Become an Expert in Your Field

The job market is competitive. Employers are looking for top talent. Having a college degree isn’t enough anymore to secure the job of your dreams.

To become more attractive to employers and to earn what you’re worth, do the work to become a true expert in your field. You want to appear professional and knowledgeable about the current trends in your industry.

A few steps you can take include:

  • Read about and research trends in your industry
  • Write about your industry
  • Create a blog
  • Create a YouTube channel to discuss hot topics in your field
  • Network with professionals in your industry
  • Attend trainings and seminars to stay on top of industry trends
  • Post professional content on social media
  • Become involved in your community

Anything you can do to help establish yourself as a pro in your industry will benefit your career in the future.

Develop Leadership Skills

Leadership comes naturally to some people, but to others, it does not. However, you can learn and grow your leadership skills over time. Leadership is a talent employers are looking for.

They want to hire talent with initiative and good ideas that will move their company forward. It’s easier to demonstrate leadership skills if you’re in a supervisory role or management position.

You can also demonstrate leadership skills through your resume. For example, if you serve as a mentor to new hires or conduct training meetings at work, you’re taking on a leadership role.

Find ways to capitalize on your opportunities as a leader. You’re much more likely to be noticed in a sea of applications if leadership is among your job skills.

Don’t Limit Your Job Search

As you look for a new job, you may feel overwhelmed by the many openings in your field or industry. You might think the easiest way to search is to narrow the possibilities by job title.

This can actually limit your search. Companies classify positions using different terminology, so you could miss a potential match by using the incorrect job title.

Instead, take the time to read about the job opening, the description, and the experience required. Your dream job could be hiding under another title, and you could miss the opportunity to apply for it.

Don’t let job titles deter you from applying. Know what you want and actively search for it. Market yourself and make your application and resume speak to your experience and stand out from the crowd.

Look for Internal Options

Getting a better job doesn’t always mean changing companies. Sometimes the job you want may be right in front of you and you simply need to make your desire for the position known.

Many companies want to promote from within. They like to know their new hires already understand the company’s vision, fit in with the company culture, and are loyal and reliable employees.

Take the time to meet with your supervisor or manager to discuss promotion options. If there’s not a current opening, these discussions could open a door for you at a later date.

Remember to be prepared to discuss why you’re a good candidate for the job. You may find your current employer will work with you for better opportunities rather than losing you to one of their competitors. 

If your employer refuses to discuss the matter or says no to the possibility of advancement or a pay increase, it’s time to look for something better.

Job Search Advice for a Better-Paying Job

There are certain times in life when it’s better to move on. If your career is stagnant, and there are no options for better pay or advancement in the company, it’s time to follow our career advancement tips.

You deserve to be paid adequately for your experience and level of expertise in your industry. As you consider the possibilities for a better job, IncomeFindr can help you earn some extra cash along the way.

We can match you with the highest-paying surveys available today. You can sign up for free, and it’s a quick and easy way to begin earning money now.

Sign up with Income Finder today to get started.

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